I am feeling exceptionally lazy about writing tonight but I did want to share some photos we took this weekend at Leed's castle.
What you do need to know is that our trip there involved riding a bus that had to navigate roads that were so small, cars had to pull aside in some spots to take it in turns passing through.
At one point, a chap that was towing a car behind his, was too hasty and as a result ended up blocking our path. So he tried to back up; several times, but was unsuccessful. Now the old men on the bus were yelling instructions and what sounded like obscenities to the poor guy and the rest of the passengers, including us, were on our feet gawking out the front window. Finally, the bus driver put us in park and hopped into the vehicle being towed in an attempt to get them both out of our path. Back a few feet they would go and invariably swing against the curb. Then forward it came to straighten up and try it all over again only to swing back and jam against the side of the road with nowhere to go. This resulted in more obscenities, fists pumping in the air, more jeering and I finally coaxed Rick to go out and help. God knows, he has had lots of experience with backing up the trailer when we would be dumping wood on the front lawn to be stacked on the porch. But no sooner had he stepped out of the bus, the driver that clearly had no clue how to handle a vehicle in tow, miraculously backed it up far enough for the bus to pass. With the bus driver back behind our wheel this time, we squeezed through the narrow road feeling like we had just come through another dimension in some bizarre episode of Dr. Who. It really was worth the fare of 5 pounds 50, though.
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