Gosh, you are probably wondering where we have been lately. So many nights I think that I am going to get to update my blog, and it just hasn’t happened; except for now, of course, as I write this to all of you.
Life is pretty darn good. We received a letter from Chan’s school (and Rick’s too for that matter) that he is going to be presented with an award on Tuesday. Not sure for what subject, but so far he has received one for Science, Music, and English. We are quite excited about this. He also won a few medals at the recent school sports’ day. Guess he rocked at shot put, of all things. Chan has really had an awesome year here and has fit in just swimmingly in the UK.
My temporary contract at EY is finally coming to an end in July and I am looking forward to my next assignment where ever that may be. The agency is looking for something for me and I am hoping to gain some experience in communications or a more generalist HR role. Man, when I get back to KPR, I will be able to run the place. Ha! I have also taken up running again and I have to say that it feels awesome to be strong and healthy again.
Rick has recently picked up a tutoring job of a year 13 girl from the local Grammar School and she is a bright and eager student. She is such a pleasure for Rick to work with and her family are loving and supportive people (Dad’s a doctor and mom’s a pharmacist, so you can understand why Science is important to that family). Anyhow, Rick quite enjoys working with her and he is truly a natural teacher. I just love listening to him use his great sense of humour and passion for the subject with her every Wednesday and Saturday. I find myself listening while I am preparing dinner, doing the laundry, or cleaning house and soaking up the data particularly about human biology. I knew I should have become a nurse! I just love the study of the human body.
Let’s see what else is new with us. Well, we had a week off and went camping on the Isle of Wight and then along the coast of Dorset, Devon and Cornwall. Two places were on my wish list and we managed to make it, not only to Land’s End and Shepton Mallet, (where my mom was born) but to so many other beautiful places along the coast. Land’s end brought me to tears as the last time I was there I was 10 and it had a huge impact on me then as well. Now that we are suited up with all the right gear, we plan on doing some touring of Europe this summer and make the best of this inexpensive form of accommodation.
So I know that all of you are wondering what our plans are for next year and we have had to put a few of you off when you have pressed for answers, and I am sorry about that. Honestly, for weeks we were on a swing set about this and it was so difficult to decide what we should do. The tipping point really was that Rick was guaranteed full time and good paying work here where as back in Ontario the best we could hope for was a long term occasional job or the supply list. Having investing a year in Rick’s education, it wouldn’t seem right to return home to an uncertain future. Additionally, we are quite comfortable here, we can travel, see and do many things, and we felt as though we had just snipped a piece from the corner of the pie. Believe me, it has been hard to be away from our friends, family, and our house, but they will all be there when we come back, God willing.
Chan, however, will be returning home. I really can’t comment too much on this, without feeling as though I will break down. I would be lying if I said I am totally comfortable with this. This is something that will take some time for me to digest and accept. I realize that he is almost 16 years of age and really in two more years, he will be on his way to school or perhaps travelling just like Keaton did. He is already talking about seeing South East Asia. I will miss him like mad and I am so incredibly proud of him and most of all thankful for his willingness to take the leap along with Rick and me. Love you Chan Chan, you’re my rock.
So August will be another chapter in our book. Only this time it will be just the two amigos. It feels strange even writing about it now. Rick and I have never lived alone together and this will enable us to explore things about our relationship that we never could before. Love you too, Ricky Bee!
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and ask for guidance as we approach this new and exciting phase of our journey in England.