Dear friends and family,
I have recently entered a writing contest with BBC called "My Story". There will be several winners and five will get a book deal.
Here is the link to my entry. I would appreciate it if after reading it you would indicate that you like it (if you do in fact like it). I am hoping this will increase my exposure and set my story out from the many that have been submitted and perhaps it will be featured on their home page. Please feel free to pass this link along to your friends or family. If you don't have any luck with this link, the website is and it is under the topic of Discovery and was posted on December 15, 2009.
I hope you enjoy "My Story" called "Stranger in a Familiar Land".;&source=/mystory/stories/::vapp::gallery::168974&axis=ilikethis&title=/cgi-perl/apps/ifl/
Hi there! Rick sent us (UOIT teachers) an email with your story. I read it and loved it! :) Upvote!