Well, we just returned from a four day trip of Amsterdam and now we are enjoying a quiet Christmas together. There is no snow here, the temperature today was about 5 above and we decided to go for a walk to clear our bleary travel heads. I told Rick Merry Christmas a couple of times during our walk just to remind us that it really was. It did feel kind of strange not doing all of the things one normally does today. No turkey cooking in the oven, no tree, no presents under the tree (the trip was our gift to each other) and no kids. But it certainly is freeing not having all of the hassles that also come with this holiday and I do like that part of it. At the end of our walk we stopped by our local convenience store and Rick bought a couple of bottles of Becks and a pack of Dr Who action cards for me. He has played a few Christmas tunes on his newly acquired keyboard, we have nibbled on the smoked Norwegian salmon we brought back from our trip and chatted with Joyce, Lori, Molly, and Jackson and emailed friends and family. It has made me think about what Christmas is really all about. Don't you think we get so tangled up in all the hoopla and end up tired and stressed by Christmas that we are ready to kill someone? This is the first Christmas in I don't know how long that I haven't felt guilty, tired, worn out, freaked out, or wishing for the day to be over. Sounds rotten, I know. But let's be serious. If we love each other, why wait until today to say so? Why wait until December fricken 25th to call your mom, or your sister, or your best friends. Love them everyday. Appreciate them and cherish them and count your blessing whether it is your stable income, a warm home, or a terrific meal. After all, we don't need Santa to remind us if we have been naughty or nice. We should already know in our hearts what ever day of the year it may be.
Love and blessings to all of my dear friends and family and all of the best for 2010.
Doctor Who action cards, what's that all about?